This area is available to tradespeople and people
with services or businesses in the Portmahomack area. If you would like a short
listing here, send your text (up to 60 words plus your contact name, phone and e-mail)
to webmaster.
The Painting and Decorating listing below is a dummy to show you how
a listing might look. You do not have to be full-time or in-business to list here.
Currently accepting listings from Portmahomack and the immediate
Easter Ross area (Edderton - Portmahomack - Nigg - Kildary). There is no charge
for the listing.
Painting and Decorating
Highly experienced, journeyman painter available for all types of jobs from
household redecorating to commercial and industrial work. Fully-itemised estimates
and local references available on request. Spring Special offer on exterior house
painting now available.
Location: Portmahomack
Contact: John Smith Tel: (01862-00000) e-mail:
posted: 15 January 2006
You Could Be Here - No Cost
Place you talents, abilities and services on display where people can find them locally.
post: today